Thursday, July 28, 2011

Brynnly's First Day Of School

..."Real" school as she calls it. 
 She was seriously sooooooooooo excited. We got back from California at 2am that morning, so it was a good thing that she is in afternoon kindergarten. She couldn't sleep though and ended up crawling in our bed at 5am. She gets so excited about things that she doesn't want to sleep for the fear of missing out. Surprisingly, it was even a rush to get her to school at 11:45 on time!
 Brynnly is always up for a modeling session and I just snap away while she gives me all her best poses.

 She was deciding to do the one strap on the shoulder or the two. I don't know whats "in" these days...but she decided that two was more comfortable, she said she saw older kids doing just one though.

While I ran into Walmart to get some last minute things, Brian picked up McDonalds for the girls.

Brylee & Brynnly didn't get the same teacher, but were excited to be starting Kindergarten together.
Brynnly came home from school and said, "I looked all over for Brylee at recess but couldn't find her anywhere." I guess their playground must be pretty big.
(Don't mind my no makeup, ocean/traveling hair, just rolled out of bed look) As I took Brynnly to her class. We were in California for the meet the teacher day, so this was our first time meeting her. As you can tell, I love to make a good first impression:)
And that was it. Sending my baby girl off into the real world, hoping that she will make the right decisions, make new friends, be nice to the teacher, not stick her tongue out or roll her eyes when she doesn't agree with what you are saying. Mrs. Bailey has her for 2.5 hours a day, 5 days a week. But I am sure thankful that I get Brynnly for the other 21.5 hours a day under my wings still. It's a weird feeling as a mom when you send your first little one off to school. Knowing that you have done your best in teaching her to be respectful, listen, obey, make right choices and just hoping that she will take in all that we have taught her and be the best person that she can be! We love our little Brynnly Paige.

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