Saturday, July 30, 2011


...its one of those things where you are glad you saw it and experienced all the beauty that it has to offer, but fine if I never go back again.

when I saw this sign, I knew I was in for a LONG day... only half way there!

As you can tell, we are good about obeying signs:)

If you look close you can see Brian's arms sticking out from
the waterfall. He is our adventure man and always had to try to
do something dangerous that was scaring me.
Lesson #1. Don't wear flip flops on the ride to Hana.
We had to hike up to all these waterfalls and were slipping all over
the place and getting covered in mud.

This was one of those spots that "Andrew" said that we HAD to see, even though the road was blocked off and all over it said NO TRESPASSING. But it was definitely worth breaking the rules, it was so pretty.

Biggest some kind of fruit on tree ever!!

A Sacred Temple that Jake was excited to see

(I took a bottle of sand home for the kids, but didn't know that you weren't allowed too)

We started the car ride at like 8am and ended the car ride at 6pm. Sure there are lots of stops along the way and cool things to see, but pretty much you are in a car with winding turns ALL DAY LONG. And for someone who gets car sick easy...this was not my kind of adventure! Finally when you get to the end where the Seven Sacred Pools are, you have to hike up to see some Jungle. (sorry I am bad about the names of things) By this time I was sooooo ready to be done with this road to Hana business and it was pouring rain and I was so muddy. But of course the boys are so excited to see the jungle, so were not going to not go....but lets just say I didn't have a good attitude about it AT ALL. Brian came up to me and said, "what's the matter honey, we don't have to go?" And I said. "I am just doing the 2 things I hate most...hiking & site seeing!" But then of course we laughed about it and I changed my attitude. I figured if I had to do it, then I better have a good attitude about it. I don't know why I don't love hiking or site seeing....I wish I did...but I just don't! I try to make myself think that its kinda fun, but really it's not.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Tiff!! I want to go to HAWAII!! Seriously..that's my kind of vaca! You look great...glad you got to take a trip alone...and that your kiddos survived, pool and all;)